Zaha Hadid Architects: 520 W 28th
CB2: CB2
HP: Keep Reinventing
Dame Products: Eva
CAIR Coalition: Immigration Impact Lab
Microsoft: One Million Square Feet of Culture
Hawthorne Gardening Company: Black Magic Performance Hydroponics
The American Southwest: Land Art
Dame Products: Fin
HP: Unstandardize Learning
Rural Guatemala: Mayan Artisans and Weavers
The Peanut Gallery: Brion Nuda Rosch 'Meat Form'
The Peanut Gallery: Todd Selby 'Edible Selby'
CB2: Apt CB2
Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis: Claire Evans, Gemma Pardo, Raha Raissnia 'Engaging The False Mirror'
Upper Delaware Valley, NY: Naturalism
Hermann Nitsch: Painting Action '60. Malaktion'
The Outside Institute: Field Guide to the Upper Delaware Valley